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Hall "O" Shame

Hall Of Fames in general are a joke. The NHL hall of fame might as well have a revolving door, because almost anybody gets in. The NFL and NBA halls have almost no lore to them at all - and then there's baseball. What a joke. While this appears to be the toughest to get into and most legitmate, it's full of hypocrisy and the baseball writers who vote are often times holding guys out that they didn't get along with during their careers.

The ever expanding WWE Hall is no different. Hey, they started out right. They inducted one guy - the big man, Andre The Giant. From there it was a mess. Marginal mid carders, political alter boys and suck ups litter this allegedly prestigious, albeit virtual Hall Of Fame.

Sorry, but to me guys like the Valiants, Arnold Skaaland, Mikel Scicluna, Ernie Ladd, Jay Strongbow, Greg Valentine, Ivan Putski, James Dudley, Johnny Rodz, JYD, Nikolai Volkoff, Jimmy Snuka, George Steele and Paul Orndorff do not belong. Tito Santana is in the Hall. Sure we all loved Tito - he was a decent wrestler... but Tito's only real claim to fame is having the most losses at Wrestlemania. He's the anti-Undertaker. Tito was just one of many glorified WWE jobbers. He was the good little worker used to get over every new guy. That's why he was rewarded with the IC title in a brief and forgettable run.

Tony Atlas? Are you kidding me?

Verne Gagne is being inducted this year for his years running and representing the AWA. Pardon? I thought this was the WWE Hall Of Fame! If Verne is going in, then we might as well induct Lou Thesz, Gorgeous George, Jim Londos, El Santo, Mildred Burke and Frank Gotch.

Don't even get me started on Pete Rose or the Fridge. William Perry? He had ONE WWF appearance and it was 20 years ago! Why not just open the doors to Cindi Lauper, Ray Charles, Liberace, Lawrence Taylor and the Gobbeldy Gooker? Give me a break.

As much as I liked guys like John Studd, Bob Orton Jr, Don Muraco and the Iron Sheik - they wouldn't make my TRUE Hall of Fame. In fact, and it hurts me to say this, neither would Eddie. Eddie being inducted this year is a sick way for the WWE to once again use his name. He's the driving force behind Rey's push and Chavo's whole character. Eddie was red-hot for about two and a half years. Many will argue he never drew anything and the only reason you could make an argument for him to go in was because he was so talented in the ring. That being said - there are better workers (Dynamite Kid, Steamboat, Owen Hart) who aren't in.

My hall of fame looks more like this:

Main Eventers:
Buddy Rogers
Harley Race
Hulk Hogan
Roddy Piper
Sgt Slaughter
Bret Hart

And let's add: Bruno Sammartino, Ric freakin' Flair (I don't care if he's active, the man is a walking icon), Randy Savage, Yokozuna, The Rock (come on, he's retired) and Stone Cold.

Future inductees include: The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Triple H and Kurt Angle.

Other Superstars:

Antonino Rocca
Billy Graham
Bobo Brazil
Fred Blassie
Gorilla Monsoon
Killer Kowalski
Pedro Morales

I'd also induct: Terry Funk, Ricky Steamboat and Owen Hart.

I'm adding a new category too...

Tag Team Division:
The British Bulldogs
The Road Warriors

Backstage Contributors:
Pat Patterson - Yes he was the first IC champ ever - but Patterson's contributions to the business will be remembered by his innovative booking and great mind - not his ring work.


The Grand Wizard
Capt. Lou Albano
Bobby Heenan
Jimmy Hart

Moolah (and no other woman is even close! Not Chyna, not Elizabeth and not Trish)

Mean Gene Okerlund
Jesse Ventura

And I'm adding Gorilla Monsoon to this category as well, making him the Lenny Wilkens of the WWE - in the hall in multiple categories.

And finally ... of course - the grand daddy, inducted into, what will soon be known as the McMahon-Helmsley category...

The Builders:
Vince McMahon Sr.

1 comments: on "Hall "O" Shame"

Dan-e-o said...

I agree almost with your entire list Don. I'm actually surprised you included your arch-nemesis Bret Hart...but I agree. But you included Eddie on a list when you first said you wouldn't include him! But again I agree he should be in. Like I wrote earlier...Owen should be there. And how some people (Rose, Perry) are even considered is beyond me.